Escuelas de Liderazgo

Escuelas de Liderazgo

Project Summary

Young Roma women face social exclusion every day, being unable to achieve their full inclusion, especially in many parts of Europe. Breaking down these barriers requires specific training in leadership, empowerment, and self-confidence, but there are currently no schools for this.


Therefore, this project proposes an innovative virtual training system for roma trainers that generates a network to meet the demands of any roma woman in Europe. During these 24 months of the project, we are carrying out a wide series of activities distributed in 4 stages, including management activities (coordination meetings, follow-up actions, training sessions, and participants selection…), implementation activities (work sessions, pilot tests, mobilities, online work meetings…), promotional activities (with Multiplier Events, dissemination activities, social media campaigns, etc.).


The project is creating the LEADERSHIP SCHOOLS to generate a network of roma trainers across Europe that meet the inclusion and leadership needs of any young European roma through personalized, tutored, and on-site training.


This is an innovative project committed to promoting the leadership and empowerment of young roma women as a mechanism to achieve their inclusion. It is us who must become the protagonists of our own construction as historical subjects capable of demolishing the barriers to which the state, society, and the environment has subjected us


The methodology to achieve this is based on the creation of European networks of roma women who, through their training as youth trainers, generate a process of social and labor inclusion while they are trained to help young roma thanks to their active participation and social entrepreneurship. This methodology is unique and innovative in transforming the way of working, organizing, and structuring roma women's entities, aiming their action at the European level, generating a network to quickly offer training, leadership, and empowerment solutions to women who need it regardless of their region and whether or not there are active entities in that area, with personalized training adapted to your specific context.

Project Partners


The main results generated within this project allow us to implement a system to promote the inclusion of any roma woman in Europe in a situation of exclusion by constituting the network of roma women trainers who help any young beneficiary who needs it. Its specific results are:

1.- LEADERSHIP SCHOOLSa stable structure of online/ on-site training for young roma women in leadership trainers and empowerment of other young roma, while developing their skills and enhancing their labor, social, and personal inclusion, which include the STRATEGY FOR THE LEADERSHIP SCHOOL, the LEADERSHIP TRAINING COURSE, and short-term trainer MOBILITIES.

2.- GENERATE A NETWORK OF TRAINERS across Europe, which facilitates through specific training that young roma achieve their inclusion and discover a network of support and friendship. This network includes three results: the TRAINING CONTENTS, a MAPPING OF ROMA TRAINERS to look for trainers, and the TOOL TO REQUEST A COURSE.

3.- DISSEMINATION MATERIALS to raise awareness in society on the situation of young roma women, including a DISSEMINATION CAMPAIGN on social networks and PROMOTIONAL VIDEOS AND DISSEMINATION MATERIALS.

Transnational Meetings

M1: Saturday, November 19th 2022 (Madrid)

We started the Erasmus+ project "Roma Leadership and Feminism Schools in Europe". In this meeting we shared experiences about the reality of roma women in Europe.


M2: Friday April 7th 2023 (Berlin)

This was the second Transnational Meeting of the project, the meeting in Berlin, of the School of Roma Feminism. Roma women and collective responsibility.